Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Rain in Ljubljana

I saw a storm coming in as I brushed my teeth in the bathroom and saw a flash of lightning from the corner of my eye. Been listening to music drifting out of our speakers for the last few hours and reading and smelling food being cooked in the kitchen. I think I’ve finally settled into this summer apartment of ours. It’s happened in little steps – knowing to turn the shower knob towards the wall, learning to sort trash the Slovene way (in 4 types of bins – paper, mixed containers, compostable, and other), feeling a noticeable sense of comfortable familiarity after returning from a tiring day out.

The rain is drowning out the sound of the music, and one of my housemates is hysterically silent-laughing at Youtube videos.

I’ve met a good number of people in various parts of their twenties over the last few weeks, all in different places and hoping for different things – or maybe not knowing what they’re hoping for yet. Twenty-six can mean traveling the world until something sticks, or it can mean lullaby toys and baby radios. It all makes me wonder where I’ll be in a few year’s time, makes me think now while on the cusp of hitting two-zero.

Work has been enjoyable so far. I’ve been interning at a startup here doing Android and web development. It’s a tiny bunch of us (only 5 in the office, with others working abroad) but everyone’s easy to get along with, and discussion of what direction to take can always be a group conversation. Faraway as it is from home, it’s not too different coding here than for projects at school – except now the project will actually be used, not delegated to the dark parts of my computer’s memory. Or at least we hope; that's the thing about startups when they're still in this stage. We'll see where it goes, and give it our best shot until then.

This is me everyday, except without the sword fighting. Because Android compilers.

A rule that I heard once that I recall in new situations is that it takes 21 days to create a new habit or routine. I’m about halfway now, and it definitely feels at least halfway there.

I've got some posting to catch up on because I'm a slacker and take way too much time revising these posts because I'm a self-conscious writer. Thoughts on Iceland and the Netherlands are coming as soon as I find the time and energy to sit down and make them coherent enough to share!

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